A Guide to Looking After Your Chain-Link Fence—What to Do

A chain-link fence is an affordable fencing option that you can use to protect your property and keep your pets and kids from wandering outside the yard. Proper care and maintenance can extend the life of your fence to up to twenty years, with minimal chain-link fence repair required.

Thankfully, there isn’t much you need to do to maintain your chain-link fence to ensure it lasts a long time. Here are some tips you can follow to make the most out of your fence.


Clean It                                              

Your fence secures the perimeter of your home, but it can also affect your property’s curb appeal. A fence with garbage and debris in your chain-link fence is not doing your property value any favour. That is why you should clean it regularly—once a month will do.

It’s easy to clean chain-link fences. You can use your standard garden hose and water with some dish soap to clean mildly dirty fences. You may need to use rags, paper towels, and a bit of elbow grease if your chain has tougher stains like bird droppings. Power washing your fence will work too.


Protect It

Your chain-link fence protects your home, so you should protect it too. Regular gate maintenance like tightening the hinges will go a long way.  As your fence is galvanized you do not need to add any sort of protection to it. 


Repair It

Your fence offers your property security but your security is only as good as the integrity of your fence. If your fence posts and cores become loose, If your mesh becomes untied from snow piles. It’s best practice to address these fence repairs before they become big issues. For example, having a loose fence post can affect your gates. Eventually damaging your gates and the ability to lock them. 

The most common chain-link fence problems include uneven gates, broken hinges, missing bolts, and sagging and chain-links. Addressing these minor issues early on will secure your home and save you from larger problems and even bigger bills.


Don’t Climb It

Movies and internet videos make climbing chain-link fences look easy. This is why many impressionable people try to do it in real life regardless of their age. If you plan to test your fence climbing ability on your chain-link, don’t do it.

Firstly, climbing chain-link fences is dangerous, and you can have serious injuries. Secondly, you can face legal repercussions. Most people put up fences to protect their property. Therefore, climbing a chain-link may mean that you’re trespassing. 

Going over your home’s chain link will not do you any good because you’re showing intruders how to get into your home. Lastly, you can cause serious damage to your fence that can cost you more than a pretty penny.



Chain-link fences can protect your property at relatively low costs. But to ensure that you’re maximizing its utility, remember to clean, protect, and don’t climb it. Chain-link fence repairs are inevitable since your fence is battling the elements 24/7, 365 days a year. But if you promptly repair minor issues early on, you wouldn’t have to face bigger problems that would cost more money later. 

If you are looking for a trustworthy company that offers top-notch chain-link fence repairs in Edmonton, look no further than Atlantic Fence. We are a reputable fencing company that has been providing high-quality residential, commercial, and industrial fencing solutions and services since 1980. Contact us today to learn more about our financing options!